I miss my favorite T. V programs. I loved to watch 24, Gilmore Girls and Nip Tuck. I actually miss the children shows that Skylar watched. Channels like Toon Disney and Nick Jr. were the only things I knew during the day. We do not get any of those here.
Everything on is in German which of course makes sense. However we do get Europe CNN and Europe MTV. Unfortunately we can not get a satellite or different cable channels in the building we live in. Of course, just my luck, we would have moved somewhere there is restrictions on that.
I sure do miss my DVR from Dish Network. I could record and watch programs and erase what I did not want anymore. Gosh what a life.
Thank goodness for DVD series. I am at least able to get programs Series on DVD and engross myself in that. It is kind of like a quick fix though. After I finish I want more and more. I would be happy watching any junk T. V most of the time.
So to everyone enjoy T.V and veg out couch potatoes of the world.

Just think, when you do go back to the USA, than all the reruns will not be reruns.
Nip/Tuck was a favorite of mine too! When the newest season comes out on DVD we will have to buy it and watch it together!
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