I guess maybe it is true about Southern Charm. I sure do miss the politeness I have come accustom to from back home. People here do not say Entschuldigen Sie (excuse me) if they bump or run straight into you. I miss people saying excuse me and usually smiling.
I really miss when I am walking down the side walk with the kids in their stroller and people actually moving out of the way. I do not expect people to go out of their way or jump out of the way. The people here do not budge they just keep walking like I am in the wrong and I need to move.
And people will just stand in the middle of the walk path and look at you and not even move. And it is the parents who pass on the same behavior to their children because the kids are just as rude.
So another thing when we go to McDonald's we have to go up four stairs so Jason will carry the stroller up and down the stairs. There have been times when I am alone and no one helps, they just walk on by. They also do this to others as well. I helped a lady one day with her stroller and men just walking on by. I hold the door for people who are behind me or try to help people out when I can. People just do not have that helping mentality here.
I suppose not everywhere can be the same but people sure could be polite anywhere in the world. Courtesy should be universal.
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