Well we made it to the Zoo it was fun. A really nice Zoo.
Well my new topic today is ice. For those of you in the States this is no topic of discussion but for me here it is. Here is why. So ice as in most European Countries is sparse. I enjoy cold, icy drinks. We enjoy going to the McDonald's in the City Zentrum so we can have ice and as much of it as we want. There are free drink refills as well, how exciting for us. We go there sometimes just to have a soda with ice. We drink and refill about three times and take a full drink togo.
We got a freezer now in our Keller(basement) so we can have ice at home but it is quiet a deal to get it. We have to take a container down and fill it up than bring it upstairs. Oh yeah did I fail to mention that our Kühlschrank (refrigerator) is as small as Dorm size in the States and has of course no freezer.
I was talking with a friend of ours (Yanti) and she had a wonderful quote that her Dad said when he was visiting her here, "This country is under refrigerated!". My gosh there has never been a truer statement. You ask for ice in your drink and get two maybe three ice cubes. So enough of that.
When I go home to visit watch out I will be eating and drinking some cold drinks. Enjoy
When we were living in Germany (back in the "olden days", 1968-69) the resturants wouldn't give you even 2 or 3 ice cubes......so things have improved a bit, huh? We Southerners especially love our iced drinks, don't we? Maybe we should start now stockpiling some ice just for Selena's visit in June!
well selena since you have such a small refrigarater than by you a new and bigger one. Any way congrads on the new freezer. I enjoy your drinks with ice!!!!!
Hey ya'll!!!! I am with you I love a nice cold drink with ice. I even drink milk with ice. I would rather drink a can drink over ice if at all possible. go to Mcd's all you want to . See you soon
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